Kinoversus Online Magazine (2016)

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Movie Info

  • Release Date: 19 Jan, 2016
  • Country Armenia
  • Author Aram Hakobyan
  • Published by BLOGGING PRO
  • Submitting institution Kinoversus


Competition status  – participant

Kinoversus is a specialized website about cinema presented as an internet journal. We aim to present a high-quality site where the cinematographic achievements of local, regional and international filmmakers are presented in their own languages. In keeping with this goal, Kinoversus was founded in early 2016 and has already published a series of articles about American and European producers and films as well as Asian cinema and the modern cinematography of Iran, Turkey, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, etc. Many of our topics are being made available to readers for the first time, making interest in Kinoversus extremely high. Cultural dialogue begins with simple awareness. To achieve this, we are making the cinematographic achievements of other countries available to a wide audience. In addition, we also plan to present Kinoversus in television format in the near future.

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