Feast of Muslims in the Eyes of Christians (2016)

Online video | 8 min.

Movie Info

  • Release Date: 10 May, 2015
  • Country Ukraine
  • Author Tatiana Suchkova
  • Submitting institution Echo Media
  • Contact @@@


Competition status  – nominee 

This film was shot in Kyiv’s Islamic Cultural Center during  ‘Id-Al-Adha (Kurban Bayram), one of the most important celebrations on the Muslim calendar. The film focuses on the experiences of guests in the celebration who are not part of this cultural and religious tradition.

This short story documents how a young woman-photographer comes to photograph the Muslim feast for the first time. She sees many new and unusual things. She notices that the typical stereotypes about Muslims are notably absent. We see how the warmth and kindness of Muslims towards each other, towards strangers and those of other faiths create a unique and friendly atmosphere at the feast.

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