
Documentary / 2016 | 15 min.

Movie Info

  • Release Date: 31 Mar, 2016
  • Country Ukraine
  • Director Anna Korzh
  • Broadcaster Kyiv National Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Film, and Television University
  • Submitting Institution skydivefilm


Competition status  – Participant

Home –  it is the place where you keep your dreams, your happiness, your peace of mind. But what to do when you must leave it immediately, without thinking? Then, the only thing left is to keep it in your heart and dream of returning with every fiber of your being.
Tatiana lived all her life in the Luhansk region, but because of the hostilities she must decide whether to stay home or flee for her life. For the sake of her son’s safety she left. They lived in Kiev almost a year, but then worries for her mother and homesickness became so strong that she decides to return to retrieve her mother and stay at home even if for a moment.
The film is not about war, but about its consequences. It is about refugees, those who have lost their homes, who are nowhere, standing at the crossroads.

This film is about the deeper meaning of the word home.

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