May 9th

Documentary / 2016 | 9 min.

Movie Info

  • Release Date: 22 Oct, 2016
  • Country Ukraine
  • Director Mariia Ponomarova
  • Broadcaster CineDoc-Tbilisi
  • Submitting institution Mariia Ponomarova


Competition status  – Participant

“My birthday is the brightest day of the year. My birthday always starts at the cemetery.”

This film explores the contradiction between national holiday family rituals and the personal observations of the author about May 9th – the day of her birth.
This is the personal story about the intersecting meanings of life and death that Mariia experienced from the very beginning of her life. The day always started at the grave of her grandpa, who worked for KGB. Oblivion and memory, obedience to tradition and the desire to celebrate life – all things were mixed in that graveyard.
As the main character and creator of “May 9th” Mariia had the opportunity to experience and reflect on her emotional connection to the film’s subject.

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