Silk Road Slavery (2015)

Documentary | 35 min.

Movie Info

  • Release Date: 17 Aug, 2015
  • Country Georgia
  • Director Vakhtang Kuntsev-Gabashvili
  • Producer Nana Nazarova, Vakhtang Kuntsev-Gabashvili
  • Broadcaster AdjaraTV
  • Submitting Institution Studio Akrobat


Competition status – participant


Georgia promotes itself as an active player in the politics of the “Silk Road;” as such the Georgian government is responsible for responding to the inevitable challenges of this role. Our organization, along with partner NGOs serve to remind policy-makers of how  important it is to be vigilant in battling human trafficking. We also want to galvanize civil society and bring pressure upon the government to act on behalf of human trafficking victims.


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